I realize it has been a while since there has been anything very meaningful here. I miss posting what is going on and honestly the very brief times we have had between illnesses this Spring have been very full. Right now the girls and Spencer are all over at Kate's swimming, Gene is in our pool, Sam is watching TV, Jenn is spending the weekend with friends, and Eric is working, so I have some time to write. Later today we will begin a time of "leadership seminar" with some friends of ours who have agreed to come and meet with us for a time. So, for those of you who check in here so that you know how to pray for us, and for those of you who are just checking to see how the adventure of Kingdom living in Madison is going, here it is - in not a very creative format:
- We are very grateful for the financial provision that has come our way. We live on what God provides every month - we don't always know what that is going to be. God is faithful. God is good, in times of need and in times of plenty. We are grateful for the opportunity to learn how God works in this way and for the opportunity our kids have for this as well. We look forward to the day that they are looking back and can see that as well.
- This summer Gene is speaking every week - somewhere. He won't let us name the "tour" but if we could, I would call it "Mind the Gap". We had this word spoken into our lives recently by some friends, God has us learning this. Authenticity - the gap between the public persona, the image we put forth and the reality of ourselves has got to get smaller every day. so that we don't live lives that are confusing to those around us - our kids, our families, our friends...ourselves. He kicked off the summer with a couple weeks at Fatih Community Church in New Richmond, WI. This is a church that was started 10 years ago - at the same time we were in La Crosse - by some very good friends of ours. The abover pic was taken at one of Sam's favoritie places, Pete's Pizza in New Richmond. It is linked to a memory of his first trip with Dad...and the pizza is good too!
- During the week, Gene continues to write music and experience some of the ups and downs of the music industry. We are hopeful and continue to pray that the gift God has given him for music will one day be a significant part of funding this mission. We think that would be fun.
- Our soccer season ended and the boys got out of school on June 15th. They spent the first part of their vacation with Mema and Pepa riding horses, swimming, playing with their cousins and staying up late.They love visiting family!
- After the last post, the sailing adventure. Jenn M. and I attended our first class - "ground school" for sailing. Madison has a sailing club / social club on the UW campus. We are making plans to join the club, take sailing lessons and expand our social network onto the campus of UW. Besides sailing being a personal dream of mine (at least before I've ever tried it) I believe that this may be something that God is leading us to for a bigger purpose.
- We have had illness in our home since Feb. Juli is still undergoing treatement, along with trying to solve the mystery of what it is we are actually dealing with. It was thought to be a pneumonia, but now not as certain.
- The Nobrega family (4) now have been living with us for two weeks. Jenn M. for 6 weeks. We are doing well, the transition has probaby been easier for us than for them. Nobrega's wlll live here until their home in La Crosse sells. It actually is really fun all being in the same house together.
- We tried a new gum: ORBIT. What's up with the last 4 pieces of the pack sticking to the corners of the pack?! I'm going back to Trident. Besides, Trident is made with Xylitol too - good for the teeth.
- Juli is still pursuing a Bachelors in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute and working at the Surgery Center.
- The pool is up and ready for a summer of neighborhood parties!
- The Salsa Garden is planted (thanks Analisa!), and we hope to be able to make fresh Salsa and Pesto (thanks for the recipe, Gayle) soon!
- We are beginning a new summer schedule including Sunday night prayer/worship gatherings, Monday night team meetings, Wed. night teaching times and Friday night parties. (Along with a community book club starting, sailing lessons, food pantry participation...) So, our team is busy...we appreciate your prayers - for our connectedness with God and one another. We are trusting the Holy Spirit and seeking His guidance diligently.
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