Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Gene celebrates his 41st birthday!

(Spencer is trying to claim that we should be having a party for him too. It is his 1/2 birthday!)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Gene.
Happy half birthday, Spencer.
Happy half birthday, Juli.
Happy Unbirthday, Sammy.
We love you all everyday.

Lew and Teresa

Anonymous said...

Hey! Happy Birthday to all of them and good luck too. Love your blog.
You can also drop into my blog on birthday ecards for some beautiful e-greeting cards and other interesting info.

kate debaene said...

happy birthday. if you were michael scott, you would be wearing a pin striped suit made in mongolia. they just don't make them like that everywhere!

DangerousWomen said...

due to a monster headache that Gene developed and the problems that we had with the van (due to my slam into a median during the snow storm) which deterred us from getting out to the movie...and that I have been sleeping for the past week - messing up the gift thing from Spencer and myself (Sam took things into his own hands and came through for Dad) - we have extended Gene's birthday into the weekend! So, we on!

(and now Gene will have a chance to get that suit from Mongolia out of the closet)

anyone want to celebrate the masterful run-on sentence above? impressive, ey?!